
View More: http://cindyharterphotography.pass.us/katie-food-blog

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Nums have pretty much always been the center focus of my universe. As a young girl, I’d climb up on the counter as my mother cooked dinner and request to smell each and every spice she was using that evening. I never let my father stick a batch of his homemade blueberry muffins in the oven without first relinquishing the empty batter-bowl to me to lick clean. My first word wasn’t “Dada” or “Mama” in dutiful homage to the loins from which I sprang forth; it was “cheese”.


Yes, from the very beginning, nums have been my life. Luckily, as the daughter of a dietitian, I was also taught from a very impressionable, young age about the virtues of healthy eating, and that moderation is key.

I don’t do diets – too many rules, too much deprivation. Diets are bullshit. A zillion rules set you up for inevitable failure, and depriving yourself all the time is a one-way ticket to Bingeville. And trust me, you do not want to go there. It’s like Vegas, it’s fun at first, and then you wake up the next morning with a hangover, covered in shame.

Instead of pointless agony, my theory is this: cook your own food. Eat good, nutritious, homemade meals made from quality, fresh, whole-food ingredients, give your body what it needs and it will do its thang. No diets required.

At no point was I ever more grateful that I love to cook than when I packed up my little family of five and moved from sunny Orange County, California, where I’d spent most of my adult life, back to my small-town Georgia roots. In SoCal, we had abundant access to endless restaurants, farmers’ markets and fresh, healthy food – all of which was amaaaaaazing!!! We could easily find take-out or even healthier fast-food options that were nutritious and delicious. Living in Cartersville, Georgia is a different story, y’all. The food scene here pretty much consists of Waffle House and McDonald’s, so if I wanted to keep up my family’s healthy eating habits, I knew homemade would be the only way to go. Annnnnnnnnnnd here we are! Three years into our new small-town life, and we’re all healthier and happier than ever.


In this blog, I share what we eat. It’s not a diet. It’s just what works well for us. Healthy, home-cooked meals and snacks with the occasional indulgences (helllllllloooooooooo BRUNCH!!!) and homemade treats (because homegirl loves some sweets, and I’ve passed this gene on to my innocent offspring).

For me, it’s all about quality and portion-control and balance. Eat healthy, homemade food most of the time, and you don’t have to obsess over every calorie. I try to get the most nutrient bang for my buck with each meal, but sometimes a girl just wants a waffle. Ain’t no shame. Come on in and look around! 🙂

View More: http://cindyharterphotography.pass.us/katie-food-blog